About Us
Aqufloc Industries Private Limited formerly known as Alliance Chemical Industries running since 1986 i.e 37 years. we are one of the leading Boilers Chemicals manufacturers in India. Our company has been handling the marketing work very efficiently all over India. AIPL is a private limited company & incorporated on 14th May 2021.
It is classified as a Non-govt company and is registered under the register of company Kolkata. Under MSME, Govt. of India. Directors of Aqufloc Industries Private Limited are Sankar Nath Ghosh & Sreyasi Ghosh. And carrying with the help of renowned Scientists, advocates, and Chartered accountants year after years till date.
Through our experienced staff, we design high-performance water quality analysis equipment for chemists, microbiologists, water treatment, and facility management specialists. Our range includes biocide test kits, comparative tests, corrosion monitoring services, portable incubators, Legionella analysis equipment, and laboratory services to accurately test and monitor the quality of water and other aqueous solutions; Microbiology monitoring equipment, electronic meters, test strips, titration tests, and professional in-field test kits, etc.
'AQUFLOC INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED' has been continuously focusing on innovation, development, and enhancement of its outstanding manufacturing products for a long time, and thus 'AQUFLOC INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED' is supplying Boiler Chemicals in several states Bihar, Orissa, Assam, Telangana, Maharastra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Andhra also across India gives very efficiently.