Aqufloc Industries Private Limited formerly known as Alliance Chemical Industries running since 1986 i.e 37 years. we are one of the leading Boilers Chemicals manufacturers in India. Our company has been handling the marketing work
very efficiently all over India. AIPL is a private limited company & incorporated on 14th May 2021.
It is classified as a Non-govt company and is registered under the register of company Kolkata. Under MSME, Govt. of India. Directors of Aqufloc Industries Private Limited are Sankar Nath Ghosh & Sreyasi Ghosh. And carrying
with the help of renowned Scientists, advocates, and Chartered accountants year after years till date.
'AQUFLOC INDUSTRIES PRIVATE LIMITED's experienced employees use technologically advanced boiler water treatment chemicals to proactively address issues related to water usage including scale formation, metal corrosion, boiler water carryover, and sludge accumulation scientifically to improve the operation and maintenance of industrial boiler systems and steam generation plants does. :
Let our experts help you solve your water and environment management challenges.
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